
Household Budget Survey Starts in January

"Finance and Economic Development Minister Hon. Marco Archer announced the launch of HBS 2015 at a press conference on Friday (12 December 2014)."

A household budget survey (HBS) that will help measure the changes in the cost of living in the Cayman Islands will be conducted by the Economics and Statistics Office (ESO) the whole of next year, starting in January 2015.

Finance and Economic Development Minister Hon. Marco Archer announced the launch of HBS 2015 at a press conference on Friday (12 December 2014) held in the GIS Studio. He simultaneously announced the launch of the publicity campaign for next year’s survey.

Leading a team of finance officials who participated in the briefing, Mr. Archer also explained the survey’s vital importance in determining cost of living changes since the last survey back in 2007. The HBS will also update the Consumer Price Index (CPI) basket in the Cayman Islands to reflect present day market purchases.

Minister Archer also unveiled a video produced by GIS for ESO to answer frequently asked questions about an HBS. The video can be viewed on government’s YouTube channel at http://youtu.be/4kI5mifwkg4.

Additionally, the video of the entire press conference can be seen on CIGTV on WestStar Cable Channel 20 and on YouTube at http://youtu.be/WYmJ_xRV5fA .

Meanwhile, Radio Cayman will broadcast the press conference at 7 pm this evening.
(Copies of remarks by Minister Hon. Marco Archer, Managing Director of the Pensions Board, Ms Jewel Evans- Lindsey and Managing Director of the Electricity Regulatory Authority, Mr. Charles Farrington are attached to this release.)

Tags: Household Budget Survey, cayman eso, cayman Household Budget Survey